Writing/Journal Writing

A Brand New Year – I Will Be Brave

Slow as molasses in January. That’s me. (Especially on a January day like today where the temperature will be -27 C.)

I like to be sure. My tendency is to “sell no wine before it’s time.” I write, rewrite, and change a word here, a word there. Leave it for a day and revisit it the next to tweak some more. In other words, I strive for perfection.

Perfection is weighty. It presses heavily on my shoulders, keeps me still. It stresses the body and suppresses forward motion. It repeatedly asks, “What if this work isn’t good enough?”

Understanding perfection has been part of my creative process.

This year, I am done with perfection. Given my best effort, each piece of writing just might be “good enough.” Each is a step forward.

To deal with perfection, I have to be brave.

Now, I work hard at my craft. I apply new ideas and knowledge.  I’m learning to take more risks  along the way. For me, the risk is in the sharing. It’s putting my work out into the world.

In the doing, I will be Brave, no matter how long it takes me.

Slow, yet Brave – that’s me in 2015.

We have a brand new year – 2015. What will you do with it? Have you chosen a word or two to live by this year?

This what Brave looks like!

As a mother of two grown children, I have transitioned through the empty nest and am embracing this amazing and yet, sometimes confusing stage of life. My desire is to write my way through whatever comes my way and should my thoughts resonate, I'd love to hear from you.


  • Heather

    Brave! An excellent word! For me, I think the word is ‘forward’. Moving on from inertia. To a new beginning. To new challenges. Hmmm, maybe it should be “move”! But no. I think ‘forward’ has a more positive connotation. I’m looking forward to moving forward!

    • My Life After Kids (Kathi Ostrom)

      I like ‘forward’ too. It’s moving toward something instead of away. I agree, it’s very positive!

  • janstring

    Put it out there Kath, and keep doing so. It’s like flexing a muscle – if you write something to intimate your instinct will guide you not to do it again but the more you write – the more you read and look at each piece through not just a readers eyes but a fellow Writer, you start to see and feel the nuances of the writing. I sometimes ‘feel’ my way through what the writer was experiencing when a book becomes slow or speeds up. You can ‘feel’ their process in a way. As well as enjoy what they are reading. The best way I believe to become a better Writer – is to Write. Happy 2015. Hope to hear from you and as you say, “Forward!!!”

    • My Life After Kids (Kathi Ostrom)

      …and Happy New Year to you, Michelle. Good luck with your new cooking classes! I wish I lived near enough to enrol. Looks like 2015 will be good to you. 🙂

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