COVID,  Family Legacy,  Writing/Journal Writing

… And Yet, Every Day I Wonder (Part II)

I wonder at all the beauty the world has seen in the midst of uncertainty the COVID-19 has brought us.  

I wonder at:

  • the arts; the poets who so eloquently put my COVID experience into words, the musicians who bring us joy through virtual concerts, the writers who lighten the mood and make me laugh or think a little more deeply, 
  • the innocence of young children and how they help adults focus on what truly matters, 
  • sunshine and nature and how the earth takes care of herself when the movement of humans is restricted,
  • the ingenuity of entrepreneurs to pivot in, what seems like, a moment to keep their businesses alive and provide jobs,
  • and how writing and doodling in my journal feeds my soul. 
I had to pause and wonder at the beauty of this morning back in August.

I especially wonder at the effect of human touch, the instant smile and warm feeling from the top of my head to tips of my toes when I get to hug my children and my friends. 

I am in awe of the kindness, patience, grace and goodness of people during what seems like an insurmountable situation. 

I wonder if COVID has been sent to test many of my core beliefs. Love is all there is. The universe rewards action. Everything happens for a reason. Everyone needs a creative outlet. What you put out is what comes back. 

As time goes by, I think about who I am in this world. I can choose to wonder about possibilities. I can smile, I can listen, I can choose to be a contributor by insisting that my beliefs hold true. 

I wonder, if I focus on my beliefs today, will it make a difference tomorrow?

What have you wondered at in the last few months? What soothes your soul and helps you stay balanced?

(Note – Part I can be found here. A previous version of All I Do Is Wonder was previously published on Life Legacies.

As a mother of two grown children, I am transitioning through the empty nest and embracing my writing life. My desire is to connect family by sharing legacy stories and my hope is that I inspire you to do the same. Together with my children, we venture into new lives, full of optimism and excitement!


  • Dottie

    I have wondered if the world will change after this pandemic is over or if we’ll go back to our same old ways. I hope some of the positives that have come from it will remain, especially the goodness of people I’ve seen in the last few months. I’ve had plenty of time of introspection, and I want to keep exploring what lies within.
    I’ve wondered how we can keep going as things seem to be worsening, but we have no choice but to press on into the unknown. I believe that those of us who survive will be stronger and, I hope, kinder. Meanwhile, I stay balanced by keeping up with as many of my activities as possible, especially Zoom yoga, and keeping up with friends and family via Zoom, email, text and phone. All those things seem to keep me going in a normal kind of way, whatever that means! I’ve made good friends with myself, too, and am enjoying the solitude most of the time. I’m glad I’m an introvert right now!

    • Kathi

      Being an introvert has certainly made the restrictions easier for me than for other members of my family, Dottie. I get it!
      It’s very hard to find situations that make us feel normal right now. I find being outdoors and any in person connection I can arrange take me to that normal feeling. I hope, along with you, that we’ll take the goodness of people – kindness and a new inner strength along into the newness when this pandemic passes.

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